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Your Local Independent 

Opening Hours:








8:00am – 6:30pm

8:00am – 6:30pm

8:00am – 6:30pm

8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00am – 6:30pm

8:00am – 5:00pm

9:00am – 5:00pm

The Paddington Central Pharmacy is a family owned business that has proudly been supporting Paddington for over 37 years.

We pride ourselves on our friendly service. Our staff members are highly trained and endeavour to provide you with the highest quality healthcare.


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PBS Medications

“This pharmacy is approved to supply subsidised medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in accordance with Section 90 of the National Health Act”



Home Medication Reviews

If our doctors believe you may benefit from a review of your medication, they will organise for an accredited pharmacist to come to your home, and review your medication. This is a free service Medicare provides.


Equipment Hire

Paddington Central Pharmacy offers an equipment hire service for your convenience. The following items are available for hire and for purchase. Please call our store 3368 3843 for product availability and pricing.


Medication Packing

A dose administration aids service assists in the safe and effective administration of a consumer’s medication and improves adherence.




In Store Vaccination

Protect yourself from Influenza (flu, Covid-19, Whooping Cough , Measles, Cholera, Hepatitis A ,HIB Meningococcal ACWY, Polio  and Pneumococcal disease with in store vaccination service. No prescription is required



If you or someone under your care are unwell and unable to go to work, our pharmacists may be able to provide a medical certificate.



In Pharmacy Medication Review

A MedsCheck / Diabetes MedsCheck provides for in-pharmacy medication reviews of consumers who are taking multiple medications and/or have newly diagnosed or poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes

Script Reminder App

Paddington Central Pharmacy offers a script on file service. Lose you scripts? Not sure how many repeats left? Confused about how to take your medication? Ask our pharmacists about our free medication management app; Medadviser.

Medicinal Cannabis Dispensing

Paddington Central Pharmacy has a Medicinal Cannabis Dispensing Approval from QLD Health to dispense medicinal cannabis preparations on presentation of a valid script.


Proprietors: S. Sponza, A. Grant-Taylor, N. Grant-Taylor & B. Grant-Taylor.

Pharmacist available - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8am to 6:30pm

Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Saturday 8am to 5pm Sunday 9am to 5pm  

Paddington Central Pharmacy


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Your Local,
Where service matters

Paddington Central Pharmacy

107 Latrobe Terrace

Paddington, QLD 4064

Ph:  07 3368 3843

PO Box 782, Paddington QLD 4064

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